OpenAPI package

OpenAPI package is still experimental and may not work as expected. Please feel free to open an issue if you encounter any problem.

In fact, I am not sure if this package will be kept in the future. For now, this is just a test to see how far we can go with Tuyau's codegen.

The @tuyau/openapi package allows you to generate an OpenAPI specification for your API from the Tuyau codegen. The specification is generated from the types of routes and validation schemas, using the Typescript compiler and ts-morph. Therefore, it has some limitations compared to manually written specifications (whether via decorators, JS doc, YAML files, or Zod schemas describing the inputs/outputs of the routes).

During development, the specification will be generated on the fly with each request, which can take a bit of time for large APIs with many routes. In production, the specification will be generated at build time into a .yml file and the same specification will be served for each request.


To install the package, you will obviously need to have the @tuyau/core package already installed in your AdonisJS project. Then, you can install the @tuyau/openapi package:

node ace add @tuyau/openapi


Once the package is configured, you can directly access your API's OpenAPI specification at the /docs address. The /openapi route is also available to directly access the OpenAPI specification.

Customizing the Specification

To customize the specification, the package exposes openapi macros on the routes. These macros allow you to add additional information to the OpenAPI specification. For example, you can add tags, descriptions, responses, parameters, etc. => {
.get("/random", [MiscController, "index"])
.openapi({ summary: "Get a random thing" });
.get("/random/:id", [MiscController, "show"])
.openapi({ summary: "Get a random thing by id" });
.openapi({ tags: ["misc"] });

Feel free to use your editor's autocomplete to see all available options.

Also, from the config/tuyau.ts file, you have the ability to customize the OpenAPI specification with the openapi.documentation property:

const tuyauConfig = defineConfig({
openapi: {
documentation: {
info: { title: 'My API!', version: '1.0.0', description: 'My super API' },
tags: [
{ name: 'subscriptions', description: 'Operations about subscriptions' },


The package configuration is done via the config/tuyau.ts file, under the openapi key. The available options are as follows:


The OpenAPI viewer to use. Two providers are available: swagger-ui and scalar. By default, the scalar provider is used.


Paths to exclude from the OpenAPI specification. By default, no paths are excluded. You can pass an array of strings or regex.


const tuyauConfig = defineConfig({
openapi: {
exclude: ['/health', /admin/]


The endpoints where the OpenAPI specification and documentation will be available. By default, the OpenAPI specification will be available at /openapi and the documentation at /docs.


const tuyauConfig = defineConfig({
openapi: {
endpoints: {
spec: '/my-super-spec',
ui: '/my-super-doc'


The options to pass to the scalar provider when used. More details here.


The options to pass to the swagger-ui provider when used. More details here.